[ Yo What's Up? ]

This section is created for all the fans that are looking for fellow Amanda-fans to chat/email/trade/snail-mail with!

Are you looking for other Amanda-fans & would you like to be on here so they can contact you? Well, what are you waiting for?

All you have to do is copy/paste the form below into an email, fill it in & email it to me! It's easy!





What friends are you looking for? (chat/email/trade/snail-mail):

What do you have in return? (Only counts for trading):

Have anything else to say?: 


Name: Daisy
Age: 17
Country: The Netherlands
What friends are you looking for?: Everyone is welcome! As long as they love Amanda!
What do you have in return?: I have allot to trade! Real pix/Magazine-stuff/Audio/VHS etc!
Have Anything Else To Say?: Well, this is what the form should look like! Hope to hear from you all soon! Keep On Loving Latona!
