Please participate in these cute polls!
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Please Take Part In My Amanda-Poll! Thanks!
If you could spend a day with Amanda, what would you do?
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I'd take her out shopping!
I'd cruise around with her all day long & show her all the cool places i know!
I'd go to DisneyWorld with her!
I'd take her to my house & show her what a BIG fan i am!
I'd take her to a kareoke-contest & participate with her!
I'd organize a surprise-party for her with a bunch of other fans!
I'd ask HER where she wants to go, it's all good with me!
I'd sit down & chat with her..we'd have ALLOT to talk about!
I'd ask her what music she likes & try to get tickets to that show for us!
I really don't know...i would be WAY nervous if i'd get to spend a day with her!
I dunno...doen't really matter...
I don't wanna spend a day with Amanda (LOL)
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Show Some Latona-Luv!
Which Of The Following Outfits Of Amanda Do You Like Best? (Pix Shown Below The Poll)
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The AJ-Outfit -LOL- (pic 1)
The Classy/Cool-Outfit (pic 2)
The Sporty-Outfit (pic 3)
The Shopping-Outfit (pic 4)
The Party-Outfit (pic 5)
The Panda-Outfit (pic 6)
The Black-Outfit (pic 7)
The USA-Outfit (pic 8)
The PJ's-Outfit (pic 9)
The WhereverYouAre-Outfit (pic 10)
The Cool-Outfit (pic 11)
The Live-Outfit (pic 12)
The Amanda-Shoot-Outfit (pic 13)
The Sweet-Outfit (pic 14)
The Newest-Outfit (pic 15)
The Romantic-Outfit (pic 16)
The Cowboy-Outfit (pic 17)
The Summer-Outfit (pic 18)
The Rocking-Outfit (pic 19)
The Bride Of Frankenstein-Outfit (pic 20)
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Please Take Part In This Lovely Amanda Poll!
What would have been the best first single for Amanda in your opinion?
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Can't Take It Back
As Long As You Stay With Me
I Wish Me You
If Only
Don't Even Think About It
Without You
ANY song would have been a good choice, they all rock!
Well, so far i don't really like the songs (LMAO)
A Different Song...
Uhm...who's Amanda? (Again, LMAO!)
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Please Take Part In Yet Another Latona-Luvin Poll!
If Amanda was going to do a duet, with whom should it be?
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Heath Burgett
Sarah Martin
Britney Spears
Jennifer Lopez
Justin Timberlake/N Sync
Bon Jovi
Nikka Costa
Jive Jones
Ja Rule
No Doubt
Marc Anthony
Enrique Englesias (sp?)
System Of A Down (LOL)
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Please Take Part In My Amanda Latona-Poll!
Which Of The Following Amanda-FanSites Do You Find GOOD-sites? (If you know any other sites, let me know! poopypandarocks@yahoo.com)
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http://dastarpanda.tripod.com -DaStarPanda
https://www.angelfire.com/celeb/PandaInPink/ -PandaInPink
http://www11.brinkster.com/alatonaforevr/index.html -AmandaForever
http://www.amandaszone.cjb.net/ -AmandasZone
http://go.to/AwesomeAmanda -AwesomeAmanda
http://kiss.to/AmandaLatona -LovelyAmanda
http://www.amandafansunited.cjb.net/ -AmandaFansUnited
http://www.amanda-latona.com/ -AmandaLatona.Com
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