(Thanks to the ShesNotPlayin-group)
From Jules - More Than That
you can hear now the audio online from Amanda's Y100 interview with
Michael Yo in Miami.So check this out.There is also a transcription
of half of the interview so far.Read this....
Y100 Miami - Michael Yo Show
Intro: 5,4,3,2,1 - Miami's hottest Five Slots. It's Michael Yo's 5
Most Wanted!
Y100 Number 5: Mario - Just a Friend
Yo: Y100 the hit music - hey Mario!
Amanda: Mario!
Yo: Mario! Uh, hangin out with the late Amanda Latona - give it up
for Amanda!
Amanda: Yeah, that's nice, yeah…. late… late.. uh huuh!
Yo: Let's talk about the picture, that does not look like you, at
Amanda: Okay, just for the record. Okay.
Yo: That is a horrible picture… go ahead admit it.
Amanda: ohhhh
Yo: No - honestly!
Amanda: OKAY! It's not that good.
Yo: It makes you look so old in this…
Amanda: Well ya know what……..
Yo: And your such a beautiful young girl!
Amanda: Okay… well… okay… you just can't capture the beauty I'm
portraying man… that's what it is, that's what it is! I'm just
kidding… I'm kidding.
Yo: You're a beautiful girl.
Amanda: Thanks man.
Yo: I'm in love with you.
Amanda: Thanks dude!
Yo: So what's up?
Amanda: Okay… okay well he's takin me out tonight. Uh huh huhhhhh!
Yo: oh, we are? Are you going out with me tonight?
Amanda: Wha.. uhhh.. yes. I'm going out.
Yo: Alright, we're going to Oxygen and then we're gonna go to CroBar
or something like that
Amanda: Yeah meet us there people! Oxygen and what?
Yo: CroBar
Amanda: CroBar.. ::laughs:: I'm not a going out person but… because I
like to sleep
Yo: I like the tattoo… yanno tattoos turn me on about women…
Amanda: Ohhhh my gosh… okay this is not….kinda scary. …
Yo: Do you have a tattoo right here?
Amanda: I do.. I do… man.
Yo: Oh! Can I see it please
Amanda: Alright here we go… a little quick peek.
Yo: Oh my God! That is so nice
Amanda: a little quick peek!
Yo: That is so nice… alright... alright… tell us… oh, let's jump into
this. Do you wanna talk about AJ now, or later?
Amanda: Ahhhhh…. Pppffflll…..uh .. uh .. maybe.. whenever… heh.
Yo: ::Laughs:: Do you wanna talk about it later or now… get it over
Amanda: Get it over with.... let's go.
Yo: Alright, how'd you meet AJ?
Amanda: I met him when I was in Innosense, the group Innosense.
Yo: Yeah
Amanda: He was actually, he started being like our choreographer…
like he choreographed a new dance break for us.
Yo: Okay
Amanda: And uhmm… and he uhhh… yeah. He started to date like
everyone.. in the group. No I'm kidding. ::laughs:::
Yo: ::laughs::
Amanda: No. And uhh… we just…. I kind of liked him yanno? He had the
tattoos, he was like the rebel… but not really. Like he had the image
of being a bad guy…
Yo: He's kinda like a real soft guy right…
Amanda: Exactly. And that's what I liked about him.
Yo: Alright… how about Chris Kirkpatrick?
Amanda: Oh my gosh.. that was like when I was 17 in Hi-Tones
Yo: Oh really ?
Amanda: And we sang together at Universal Studios.. yes.
Yo: Hi-Tones, how many groups have you been in?
Amanda: Well no, that was at Universal Studios… yeah that was an a
capella group. And uhhmm… and that's when I met Chris… this was like
before Nsync.
Yo: Oh, okay.
Amanda: Yeah.
Yo: Okay, enough about the other guys… it's all about you now.
Amanda: Yeah, I'm single now, thank you very much….
Yo: Aww.. how do you like Miami?
Amanda: No, I'm just kiddin. I love Miami…
Yo: Been down here a lot or what?
Amanda: I come down, go to the beach, a little South Beach. I've
never been out in Miami though.
Yo: Oh this is… I'm gonna save you!
Amanda: Oh gosh, oh gosh.. yeah.
Yo: Yes, Yes, Yes Yes Yes!
Amanda: Oh boy.
Yo: Alright, tell ya what we're gonna do…we're gonna play your song a
little bit later in the countdown, I gotta jump into the number 4
Amanda: Yeah…. It's number 1, right? Yeah, that's what I heard. Woo
hoo! Thank you people. ::laughs::
Yo: Yeah yeah, it's number 1… number 1. We're gonna jump into the
number 4 song, DJ Sammy - Heaven.
Y100 Number 4 - DJ Sammy - Heaven.
Y100 Number 3 - POD - Alive.
Yo: Y100 Countdown hangin out with Amanda Latona
Amanda: Yo baby… Yo baby Yo… Yo baby … Yo baby Yo…
Yo: Heeey.. I love the way you say my name like that
Amanda: Who me?
Yo: Yeah you. Yeah you…. so what else is going on? What else is new
in the world of you?
Amanda: Ahh life is good dude life is good… I'm EXCITED! Did you see
the uhh, New York Times thing?
Yo: No, what.. what? Did it have you in it?
Amanda: Uh! It was the cover! Hellooooo….
Yo: J Records didn't send it to me, you gotta get on their ass.
Amanda: Uh-oh… J Records people… uh huh.. uh huh. Yeah. I just wanna
say thank you to the uhh fans that were here supporting me.
Yo: Yes! You had fans outside! How big is that?
Amanda: Yeah there was like a crowd people, we had four security
guards, well… there were two, and a mom.
Yo: You had four security guards and there were two people out there.
Amanda: :::laughs::: Jennifer and Stephanie!!! I love ya'll.
Yo: No, actually yanno, I've gotten tons of emails.
Amanda: That's awesome, you have no idea.
Yo: A lot of people are even listening online, jump online, I
actually loaded a picture that you just took.
Amanda: I just took a picture! Go look.
Yo: It's like the best picture
Amanda: Yeah yeah, we've actually decided that Michael Yo will be in
charge of designing the uh, the uh, album cover.
Yo: This is the best picture you have ever taken.
Amanda: Thanks. I'm feelin good right now.
Yo: Live inside the studio with my digital cameraa
Amanda: I'm feeling good about my previous pictures
Yo: So what do you like to do in your spare time then
Amanda: Uhmmm.. let's see I like to….uhhh.. I like to …shop. Ohhh, is
that bad? Yeah. I uhmm..
Yo: No, no… it's good. You look like a BeBe…. BeBe, what is it? You
just look like one…
Amanda: Oh my gosh how'd you know that? that is so true. It's like
everything, it's like I was made… yes
Yo: It's because you're wearing a black shirt.. they sell nothing but
Amanda: I like black, black's my favorite color.. yeah!
Yo: Tell us about your song, your album.
Amanda: Oh my gosh!! Debut album with J Records, a year and a half…
I'm so excited. I've been recording the album, I have one song left
which is gonna be next week, doing it in New York. And then the album
is done and comes out in the fall. "Can't Take It Back"… first single
written by Meredith Brooks, Shelly Peiken, Taylor Rhodes -
collaboration. And it's just uhh, I love it man, the uhhh… the
pop/rock yanno.. the whole album.
Yo: Yeah, we're gonna listen to that song in a couple of minutes.
Amanda: Yessss.
Yo: What kind of music do you hate?
Amanda: What kind of what?
Yo: What kind of music do you hate?
Amanda: Do I hate?
Yo: Like, you know what kind of music I hate? I hate Country music.
Amanda: Uh, yanno I like all types of music.. but… I'm not too into …
Opera? :::sings opera note::
Yo: Opera? Hmmm.. Oh do you wanna sing for us live real quick?
Amanda: Yeah sure, do we have enough time?
Yo: Alright go ahead, yeah, just sing something so people will know
you really can sing
Amanda: Okay I'll sing.. This is a song called Without You, it's on
the Sampler.. did you get the Sampler? Albums titled Pandamonium by
the way. Panda.. yeah.. okay….
Yo: You tattoo'd that on your arm!
Amanda: Oh I can hear myself.. Yeah baby!
Yo: Oh lord!
Amanda: Okay so anyway… uuhh.. let's see… I'll sing the chorus of
without you, this is written by Richard Marx
Yo: Yeah and don't let your voice crack or anything
Amanda: Okay. Oh gosh I haven't warmed up so bear with me.. okay…
- sings "Without You" -
Yo: :::clapping::: yes yes yes.. give it up! That was awesome, that
was awesome.. and the crowd goes wild!
Amanda: Yeah baby, woo!
Yo: Alright what we're gonna do, we're gonna jump into the number 2
Amanda: Which is, Amanda Latona - Can't Take It Back!
Yo: No.
Amanda: Oh.
Yo: It's Ashanti - Happy
Amanda: Ah darn.
Yo: ::laughs:: up for grabs we've got uh Shakira tickets after the
countdown. We're gonna play your song after Ashanti - Happy, is that
cool with you?
Amanda: Yeah, that's fine. That means I'm Number 1 then - so yeah
baby go!
Yo: No that means it's before Number 1
Amanda: Oh. Alright man.
Yo ::laughs:: Alright Shakira tickets up for grabs, Number 2 -